Minutes ago, I posted my experiences and Dr. Simon’s Helpful Hints for not Being a Slacker.  I was posting my experiences from last week as best I could recall.

Happily, everyone is still playing nice.

This week is going fairly well.  I have linked each page to each other.  It may not sound like a big deal but considering the last month of catastrophic failure when trying to change font size, page linking is epic for me.  Tonight all my pages are linked (yipee).  I am still completing the text,then onto photos.  I hope I can maintain the continued success.

I tried endlessly to find photos I liked.  When I would they would be veiled in copyright.  Last Thursday I decided to matters into my own hand and photograph things in my world.  I am happy with the photos but anxious to see how they fit into my mock-enterprise.

Best of luck to us all.